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« Lots of good deal on ebay!! | Main | Anger.. »

June 24, 2008


Andrea Amu

Ohhh girl, I know... this isn't easy, is it! It just sucks, no other way to describe it. I miss my dad and my babies soooo intensly every single day and I would give anything to have them all back with me! I know it's hard to not be mad at God and to keep faith, but we need to hold onto what we have in our lives now, no matter how hard it maybe for us to do! ((HUGS))!

{{ the divine miss jEn }}

hi katie. sorry you are still having hard times. i know everyone always says it gets easier..but i unfortunately disagree. my dad has been gone since 2004 & it still hurts just as much & as deeply as it did then. i had a friend who lost her mom later that same yr & she was telling me how she didnt know what to say to me etc...and when she lost her mom, she just understood & said it was always hard. i guess some people can learn to live w/ that pain...i know i'm not 1 of maybe that is the day that my life changed forever & i have to accept that. anyway...i understand how you feel. i STILL never want to sleep...because i am sooo tired of waking up & being disoriented & thinking everything is the way it was, only to remember my dad is gone. or to have dreams of him...which are wonderful...but so very painful too. its no fun to cry in your sleep or wake up like that. so hang in there...i think we are just those unlucky few who will never be able to move beyond that loss...we just have to live w/ it but there is a piece of happiness that can never be regained.

as always, you guys are in my thoughts & prayers 24/7. take care & email if you need to chat. xxoo


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