How beautiful is this?? My mother loves what is says and along with putting it in my dad's room it's also on the fridge. Thank you so much Sarah for doing that!! I want to thank you all so much for your continued support and prayers. PLEASE keep them coming, this is going to be a long road. My mother read the comments on my blog the other day and was amazed at what people said that don't even know us and the amount of prayers going up for my father. They helped her A LOT! And they help me too.
I'm sorry I haven't updated more. To be honest I am starting to crash. I have done fairly well keeping it together, with the exception of after his surgery, but the last couple days have been really hard for me. I just keep thinking about how my father would say to me a hundred times a day, "Katie, have I told you how much I love you yet today?" I would respond with "yes Dad, you have and I love you too." By the end the the day I would get agitated with him because he said it so much! Now I would give anything in the world for him to say it just one more time. I just feel so lost and in a fog. It's pretty much known that I'm my mom's best friend and she's mine, but I'm equally just as much a Daddy's Girl. I can honestly say there's nothing my father wouldn't do for me, especially if it made me happy.
I haven't checked my email for days and have a generic email I'm going to send out to a lot of people just letting them know what's going on that have emailed me so they don't think I'm ignoring them. I've gotten on Internet explorer once or twice to read the comments on my blog because I find them so comforting, but other then that I have just been coming home and laying on the couch with the dogs. It's very ovious that they are missing my dad too. They have spent more time in their crates in the last week and a half than they ever have before. I am not sleeping, it's not that I don't want to, it's more so I just can't. I lay in bed at night and just cry and cry and try to understand why this happened. I have a whole new look on the saying "Your life can change in just an instant." If you have told someone you love today how much you love them, don't wait. Do it now, because later you may not have that chance again. You can always say "I can do it later," whatever it is, but the truth is you may not have the chance to later. Tammy has a contest going on on the web site that you may want to check out as a way to help my family. I can not tell you how good it makes my mom feel to open a card saying your in our thoughts.
I was thinking about it and how much it would mean to my father, if you get a minute and would like to make him a card, he would just LOVE that. He is my biggest supporter and does more for the store than you will ever know. I know it would make him feel so special to have all these cards from scrappers all over letting him know that they care and are praying for him. If you want to do it please send the card to:
KT's Dad
2250 Fawn Haven Ct.
Eldersburg, MD 21784
You can send the card to my father there and the ones for my family. Of course, if you choose to do so.
A lot of things have happened the last several days. I don't even know where to begin. Things are not looking too good as of right now, but I believe in miracles and I'm not giving up hope.
- He is now a diabetic and is on insolent. We were told that this is more than likely temporary.
- His kidneys started to fail two days ago.
- He is now on dialysis
- They had to take a brain culture, which is where they remove fluid from his brain and see if anything grows. This could take several days depending on the infections growth.
- He might have meningitis, which we will find out with the brain culture.
- His blood pressure is elevated.
- His cranial pressures are up, which is his brain swelling. If the swelling exceeds the amount of space he has now because of the surgery where they removed a good bit of his skull parts of his brain will start to die off because there's no where left for the swelling in his brain to go. This is the biggest concern. Everything else is fixable to a certain extent but if he brain swelling exceeds that amount of space he now has nothing else can be done.
- He also has a high fever.
- He is not responsive. Even though my father is in a coma right now, he still should be responsive, he is not. It is truly heartbreaking watch them do the tests on him to see if they get any resonse at all from him. They rub a capped pen along to bottom of his foot, really hard. It's more like they jam it in there. The nurses shake him and call his name and there's nothing. I think the worse one for me is when they take it swab and open his eye and touch his eye and there's not really anything. Very, Very sluggish.
- We are pretty much just waiting. We can't find out more until he gets an MRI and he can't get an MRI until his cranial pressures go down.
My father had a nurse a day or 2 ago, (to be honest all my days seem like a big blur) I can honestly say that it felt like she drove a stake right through my heart. She pretty much said that we (my family) don't seem to understand how sever his injury is. Who is she to tell us we are in denial? My father is a fighter and always thought he was an exception to the rules, maybe this will prove that he has been right all along. We were pretty much told by the nurse that we need to come to terms with the fact that this may be it, he may have to spend the rest of his life on a ventilator. My family and I know that, that is a possibility, but we are not going to accept that until we have proof from the MRI that he will be like that for the rest of his life. Who is she to tell us how we need to feel or tell us that we are in denial. Who is she to tell us we can't be hopeful? All I will say about that is she was a real witch, to say the least. None of the other nurses had said anything like that up until that point, or since then. Several nurses actually have since apologized about her. Bottom line is I'm not believing their "educated guesses" until their is proof. I mean the doctor said that he shouldn't have even survived the fall but he did. The eye doctor said that he was blind, he's since come in after his surgery where they removed half of his skull and said they were wrong. He's not blind, he just has a lot of damage that can be fixed with surgery. I am not giving up hope! I believe in miracles and no nurse is going to take that away from me until one of his doctors tell me other wise.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. It's greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much! And of course my post wouldn't be complete without photos of my dad. My father loves to help in whatever way he can with the store. When my creative cafe arrived he sorted all of my buttons for each color in small, medium and large. I even got him to wear one of the Creative Cafe shirts! How awesome is he?!? And for those still wondering I do have Creative Cafe and ordered all the new stuff too. It will be in the new store when it goes up.
This is of my mom and dad last April when my dad proposed to her and they renewed their vowels.
UPDATE- We just got a call. My father's cranial pressures are down to a 9. They can't wait any longer for the MRI so he's going in for it in the next hour. PLEASE keep praying. I am scared of what the outcome could be.