Not with me it's not! Nope, never.. I usually get quite when things are crazy and I'm loosing my mind. A lot's been going on with the site of course..
November is suppose to be the BIG GRAND RE-OPENING of the site, but needless to say it's not going quite as planned. I sent out the newsletter announcing the site was up on the 1st. Things started out good.. lots of orders, big orders. Fast forward to today.. umm.. not really any. After 3 or 4 days of sending out the newsletter I noticed the orders kind of stopping. I thought to myself.. well maybe people are filling up their cart, after all everyone's saved carts were gone now since the site had to be re-built. I thought it was odd but I figured maybe it's because I don't have all the new stuff in the store I normally do. Well, Thursday I received an email from a customer informing me that they couldn't place their order. They had tried several times and got to the last step where you confirm your order, but there was no confirm order button. I ended up walking through it with her on the phone only to see the error message on the confirm order page. I said I had to call my web company to see what's going on. I actually had to call them anyway because they had called why I was out to dinner for Tracy's birthday. They needed to discuss why the site went down on Monday for almost 24 hours. Turns out, the amount of traffic that hits my site they were not anticipating. The site went down because it slowed down everyone on the server's site. Long story short, for a whopping hefty monthly fee I will need to be placed on my own server. I could get rid of my message board and idea gallery to reduce the traffic, and the cost but to me that's not even an option. I wouldn't take those away if my life depended on it.
The fun part.. the reason the customers order couldn't go through was because for security reason's if the page takes longer to load then 30 seconds it times out. Because of the amount of products in the order and the amount of traffic hitting the site it was taking longer than 30 seconds for the page to load. It's ALWAYS something!!! ALWAYS!! The site is being transfered to the new server this week and should be done by Wed. at the latest. The site will go down for 6-8 hours the day the transfer is complete. That is all though, I have been assured of this. The site will be on the new server in time for the weekend crop! No worries there! The grand re-opening celebration will carry on into December since obviously not much can be done as far as orders now. Any questions at all.. feel free to post and I will answer them as soon as possible.
I'm going to take Chopper outside and hopefully work on some back blogging when I come back in.