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« I found a store!! WHOO HOO!! | Main | Web site STILL down »

August 08, 2007



I was worried it was something with my computer. I'm having withdrawals from scraphappykt!! Hope all goes well with the new site!


I was worried it was something with my computer. I'm having withdrawals from scraphappykt!! Hope all goes well with the new site!


Phew! I was wondering what was going on!! Tried tracking some people down from the mb and found Mandy and just emailed her!! Then followed a link to your blog, I should've done that first! LOL

rachael wood

I checked your blog last night, but no news. so I emailed meg! I was trying to get some of the challenges to work on yesterday, but no dice! It's cool, hope everything is back soon! I see that you can sign up for the newsletter, but that's it! I tried emailing you last night at your scraphappy addy but it came back failed. Glad it's nothing drastic, just a glitch!


Looks like the site is back but still working out some problems. Hope it's all going good and we can get back online soon :):)

Melissa Mann


Glad that this was all it was...was getting worried!

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