The site still isn't completely on the new server, but it's getting there. As of yesterday the store is now up and the idea gallery thumb names are back up. You are still not able to upload to the gallery, but that should be fixed today, as well as the message board. I've still been receiving emails with questions, and I'm more then happy to answer those for you, so if you have them keep them coming!
- The store should have retained all of your information and you should not have to re-register.
- If you had anything in your shopping cart it still should be saved there.
- Nothing is going to change with the site right now. It will look the same when all of this is done. I will eventually be making lots of changes and doing a lot of improvements. Right now the main concern is just getting the whole site back up and running. Once all of that is good and I'm moved into my new location totally I'll be working on those.
- The new company I'm working with is Heritage Web Solutions. I don't know if the question about who they are was referring to who the new company is, or old... TAMMY KAY.. lol The company I was working with was Scrapbook Insights. Holly, the owner also owns Scrapbook Resumes.
I think I covered them all for now. If I come across anymore I will answer them on here for all of you. Thank you all so, so much for your support, as well as your kind words. I don't think anyone really knows what I've went through for the past week, or two weeks leading up to this. It's awesome to know how many of you stand behind me and support me! Thank you!
The last several blog posts have been about the site and a lot has since happened with my little Chopper! Last Tuesday we went to the vet. He weighed 34.4 pounds, that's 10 pounds he gained since we went last month. Today my little guy is returning to the vet to get neutered and have a home again chip put in his neck. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of a little bit of a mess with the whole thing. That kind of stuff scares me, and I have to drop him off. I don't even get to be there with him. The vet said his operation could be anywhere from 9 am till 3 pm. I am hoping to make the best of my time, while he's at the vet, but I'm sure I'm just going to be worried the whole time.
Choppy has lost a lot of teeth :-) I heard it's rare to find you dogs teeth, because they usually swallow them. I have been lucky enough to find two of them. Last weekend when we got in bed, he got in before me. He was oh so sweetly sitting next to my pillow looking at me. He turned his head to the pillow I guess to show me, and there was one of his teeth on my pillow! He just looked so sweet sitting there. The look on his face was like.. "ok, where's my $1." LOL Two days ago I got his water bowl to dump out the water and put fresh water in and then on the bottom of his bowl was another one of his teeth!
He's been very clingy the past week and a half and I don't know why. I mean it's bad! If I leave the room he goes into a panic and starts looking for me and try's to knock over the gate. I few people have mentioned that dogs can sense when someone is upset or stressed out. Anyone know if this is true? If that's the case then that explains his behavior.
Well, it's 7 am and I'm so tired. Chipper woke me up about 2 hours ago and I was up late last night. He feel back asleep, so I'm hoping I can get in a nap before I have to take him to the vet. I'm sure those chances are slim though. I've got more pictures to post in the Scrap Happy KT photo album with the progress of the store. I will post some more now and I have to get the rest off my camera later.
Oh, and one more thing! If you haven't already please vote for the store on the Creating Keepsakes 2008 readers choice award ballot. I'm not on there any where. There's 3 spots you can put my site, but you have to click other and type in my store. Maybe one year I'll actually be on the ballot. Vote HERE!!
Thanks for much everyone for the support!!
Awww..Chopper will be all right! We have have had all three of our pets fixed...and they rebounded within a day or two...I'm sure he'll do just fine!
Can't wait until the site is back up and running!!!
Posted by: Melissa Mann | August 15, 2007 at 11:23 AM
Thanks for the update, Katie! Can't believe what you've gone through. Keep your chin up! Dogs can totally sense when you're upset. My Cody stayed by my side for a few days after my miscarriage. We've always had a special bond! He also mopes for a day or so after he sees me leave with a suitcase. They are pretty incredible animals, aren't they! Chopper will do fine @ the vet. Both things you're doing are to keep him safe!
Posted by: scrapjunkie | August 15, 2007 at 01:05 PM
I freaked out when MJ lost her teeth...I had no idea! How cute! Sorry he has to go under the knife. You're going to be so sad. they are so vulnerable!! Glad that some of the site is back up. I added some LO's! Can't wait to talk to everyone!
Posted by: shellyb | August 15, 2007 at 02:29 PM
We're down again!!! I'm so sad! I never did get to see any of my dog's teeth... And my daughter hasn't lost any teeth yet, much to her shegrin. All of her classmates have! Are you going to scrap choppers teeth?
Posted by: rachael wood | August 17, 2007 at 08:20 AM
It was great to come up and see the store!!I'm so excited about all the new things coming your way! You and Chopper both will get past the growing pains and be better for all this in the long run!
Posted by: Meg | August 20, 2007 at 08:24 AM