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« Web site STILL down | Main | Not much progress with the site.. »

August 15, 2007


Melissa Mann

Awww..Chopper will be all right! We have have had all three of our pets fixed...and they rebounded within a day or two...I'm sure he'll do just fine!

Can't wait until the site is back up and running!!!


Thanks for the update, Katie! Can't believe what you've gone through. Keep your chin up! Dogs can totally sense when you're upset. My Cody stayed by my side for a few days after my miscarriage. We've always had a special bond! He also mopes for a day or so after he sees me leave with a suitcase. They are pretty incredible animals, aren't they! Chopper will do fine @ the vet. Both things you're doing are to keep him safe!


I freaked out when MJ lost her teeth...I had no idea! How cute! Sorry he has to go under the knife. You're going to be so sad. they are so vulnerable!! Glad that some of the site is back up. I added some LO's! Can't wait to talk to everyone!

rachael wood

We're down again!!! I'm so sad! I never did get to see any of my dog's teeth... And my daughter hasn't lost any teeth yet, much to her shegrin. All of her classmates have! Are you going to scrap choppers teeth?


It was great to come up and see the store!!I'm so excited about all the new things coming your way! You and Chopper both will get past the growing pains and be better for all this in the long run!

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