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« Slowly getting there | Main | Thursday.. and still down »

August 21, 2007



Just so you all know, I did survive a visit to Katie's, and saw the new store and all without incident!!


I am sending you hugs and encouragement!!! Things always seem to happen all at once...why can't they come in spurts? Things DO make us stronger but we all have a breaking point too. Stay strong. If you need to talk...I'm here.
I sent Chopper an e-mail, did he get it?

rachael wood

I'm sorry that things are going so terribly for you! We're just hanging here waiting for it all to be back. And I have set aside some money in my paypal account to go shopping once the store is back up and running! We're all ancy, but hanging in there. Let us know when you have an idea of when it will all be back up!


If you need a break you can always stop by here. Brandon totally understands. Remember what he told you. You guys really have love. We are here for you to help you in any way possible!!!


I wish I could help you more. I am here whenever you can't take anymore.


So sorry you are going through such difficult times Katie. I wish there was a magic wand to wave that could make it all go away...but, I am thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

The site will be back up soon enough and everything will be 100% better than it was before!

Take care and don't lose will all work out!


Sending you some extra big hugs, KT!!


Hang in there Katie. I know it seems awful, but in the end your website is going to be so much better. I'm actually excited for you; new store, new website, and most importantly, no old pain in the butt web designer.


I'm so sorry girlie!! Hope you're hangin' in there!!! Sending you HUGE hugs!!! XOXO


Hang in there Katie...we are eagerly waiting the return...sorry for the past couple of weeks!


So sorry for all that you're going through...sending HUGS your way. If you need help with the warehouse, I'll be available starting next week (once Jake's in school)Just holler! Please know that we are waiting patiently...well, maybe not...for the new FANTABULOUS ScraphappyKT!!!


I'm so sorry that you are having problems with the site. I'm hoping it get fixed soon so I can see how fabulous it will be. Big hugs to you.


Sending more HUGS your way and hoping things improve for you soon!! Keep hangin' in there!


OMGosh! You poor thing! Things can only go uphill from here right! Hang in there!


HmmI posted a few days ago and it never showed up. I know you've heard it a million times, but hang in there girlie! I sent ya an email, check it out.


HmmI posted a few days ago and it never showed up. I know you've heard it a million times, but hang in there girlie! I sent ya an email, check it out.

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