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August 02, 2007



Katie!! I'm so excited for you!!! I can come play receptionist for you!! hahaha! The store looks fantastic! You will have that place filled up and organized in no time!! Congrats!! When I get back from vaca I will be up for sure!!


How exciting!!! Will this be a walk in and shop store too, or will you still do just online?


OH wow girlie.. that's awesome news.. WOW! Such a big step!! I'm so excited for you!!! Congrats!!! XOXO


So happy for you! If you need help setting up, I'm available after schoool starts!!! I'd be more than happy to help!!! Congrats!

Jennifer Hignite

That is awesome KT, so happy for you!!! Can't wait to see pictures :)

Carol (scrappygirl123)

So Happy for this great news!!!!! Where is it???


Calling in for duty, as well.


Great news!! Can't wait to see it! I hope it's really big! Room enough for a crop table or two maybe??


Great news!! Can't wait to see it! I hope it's really big! Room enough for a crop table or two maybe??


Fantastic!! I'm so happy for you!

Diane DiTullio

Congratulations Katie! Can't wait to see the photos! :)

rachael wood

congrats katie. i'm excited to see what you will do!

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