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« Flight Update | Main | I'm so tired!! »

January 28, 2007



Yeah Katie!!!!! Don’t let anyone steal your awesomeness!!! You are going far in this business and I will be the first to brag about “I knew her when…”
Keep your head high and your smile bright!! Love ya girl!!


Hey KT,

You are doing a amazing job. Don’t you dare loose your confidence! You show them! You will do great!

I used to have the same problem with my age and looking young when I was in radio.. so I know how it feels. Just don’t let them know or show it and you will do fine. Before you know it you are full of confidence!

I am so glad you got to meet Karen, Marah, and Cheryl. Cheryl is just the sweetest thing and so talented.

Keep on having a great time.. I can not wait until your next update!


You lucky girl you! Count your blessings- your doing great! I am so with you——


Katie You are are awesome and bet recs is kicking themselves in the butt for letting you go!!! You will do fine. Just remeber who you are . MY katiebug!!!! I am so excited ofr you and all you have accomplished. Have a good time!!!!


you will be fine. just know what you want and go after it.

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